1. 背光時間設定:可設定 3、5、8 秒
2. 振動強度控制:關閉、弱、中、強
3. 文字大小:小、預設、大
4. 提醒設定:關、只提示來電、開
5. 背光亮度:低、中、高、超亮
6. 改善與 Android 配對的 Music App,須搭配新版本 Pebble App 3.2.0
7. 大幅改善 Music App 與 iOS 裝置的可靠性
8. 中鍵長按可以清除通知
SDK Change log http://developer.getpebble.com/sdk/chan ... o-firmware
Pebble Time Firmware 3.2 Release NotesImproved the reliability of app wakeup service when it is in use by multiple apps.
Added generic icons to the Watchfaces app for watchfaces without one.
Improved rendering of non-antialiased rounded rectangles.
Improved rendering of timeline pins with long body text.
Improved rendering of notifications.
Improved rendering of timeline pins using the Reminder layout.
Improved the music app on Android, in conjunction with the Pebble Time Android app version 3.2.
Added settings for backlight brightness and duration.
Added settings for notification font size and vibration intensity.
Restored the "dismiss all" action on notifications (long press or use the menu).
Significantly improved music control reliability on iOS.
Improved music control on Android, in conjunction with version 3.2 of the Android app.
Fixed a crash when forcibly terminating the launcher.
Improved the behavior of the app fetch UI after a bluetooth reconnection.
Pebble Time App for Android 3.2.0 Release NotesNew Backlight settings: Adjust intensity and time-out duration.
New Font Size settings: Adjust the displayed font size in notifications, layouts, and other areas of the system.
New Vibration settings: Adjust the vibration strength for notifications, incoming calls, alerts, etc. Default vibration setting is less strong than the previous default.
Music (Android): Added support for most music players (e.g. Pandora, Spotify, Songza), improved display of track metadata, play/pause detection (app now displays separate pause and play icons to match current playback status).
Notifications: A collection of improvements and fixes to enhance the notifications experience, including a new Dismiss All action.
Bug fixes and stability improvements.
To update: Select Menu » Support » Update Your Pebble within the Pebble Time app for iOS or Android.
NEW: Search bar to find saved apps and watchfaces in your My Pebble menu.
NEW: Notification preferences are now preserved after updating the Android app to a new version.
IMPROVED: Support for setting up long canned replies to notifications.
Bug fixes and stability improvements to version 3.1.1.
Download 3.2.0 from the Google Play Store.